heavenly bodies

where body meets spirit.

Heavenly Bodies is a unique class created by astrologer and movement & meditation teacher Eden Sky Orion.

Utilizing Yoga Nidra meditation, breathwork, mat pilates, and esoteric principles, each class is tailored to align your body, mind, and heart with the energy of the current astrological moment.

Join an upcoming class.

Reach out to hello@edenskyorion.com for private event inquires.

Virtual + NYC


  • Heavenly Bodies Lunar is a deeply restorative experience for connecting softly with your authentic self.

    Class begins with an astrology forecast for the group, followed by juicy breath and embodiment practices, and a potent guided meditation.

    All levels welcome.

  • Heavenly Bodies Solar is an invigorating morning movement class guided by the stars.

    Class begins with an astrology forecast for the group, followed by a mat pilates based workout.

    You'll be encouraged to move at your own pace, find your growth edges, and meet your body with love.

    All levels welcome.

  • Private + Small Group Pilates | Tribeca, Chelsea, NYC

    Eden's private Pilates sessions are tailored to assist her clients in achieving their desired outcomes, grow their strength and stability, and meet their body with love rather than punishment.

    With a background in dance, holistic wellness, and psychology, her teaching style is a unique blend of fitness forward Pilates technique delivered through a trauma informed, compassionate, and mindful lens.

    Eden has experience working with clients of all ages and abilities.

    Email hello@edenskyorion.com for more information & booking.

  • Weekly Studio Classes | Brooklyn

    Mat Pilates & Meditation | bodycraft studio

    Reformer Pilates | Ritual Moves

What People Are Saying

restorative + meditation

“There are pharmaceutical drugs out there that would not be able to settle and relax me as much as this amazing individual!”

— Stephanie, Seattle

“Heavenly Bodies virtual was so restorative and energizing! Eden is a magician.”

— Janna, New York

“Super powerful, rejuvenating, and juicy.”

— Claudia, New York

“I felt such a difference in my sleep after this class. My body really needed that!”

— Robyn, New York

“Eden’s meditation was exquisite. She’s a natural, incredible leader, guider, and transmuter.”

— Lielle, Los Angeles

“Bliss. Needed this soothing meditation process to return in to myself.”

— Samantha, Hobart

“This meditation was lovely - so relaxing. Her voice is so soft and hypnotic.”

— Anne, Manchester

“Eden brings a warmth, calm, and spirituality to her meditations that feel like a warm cozy blanket. Her even and gentle tone and pace provide a soothing heartbeat into meditation practice and her creative guided imagery helps to visualize the journey. I find myself feeling refreshed and more connected to myself and my purpose after her meditations.”

— Brianna, Boston

“Eden is an incredibly intuitive and empathic teacher who facilitates a cohesive and welcoming experience for everyone. Even in the age of virtual classes, her focus and groundedness really permeate through the screen! Whether your intention is to learn from an experienced teacher, or grow your spiritual practice, I definitely recommend taking a class with Eden.”

— Becca, Los Angeles

“Eden’s meditations are amazing, as her voice is naturally soothing and calming.”

— Morgan, Toronto

“I had the opportunity to do a virtual class with Eden in the summer. I had very little idea what to expect going in, but came out feeling at peace and grateful for the time spent. Eden is an expert at making you feel safe and comfortable, which allowed me to fully relax into the sitting and welcome whatever was to emerge. If you have the chance to try Yoga Nidra with Eden, I highly recommend taking it.”

— Sarah, Toronto

“I love the sound of Eden’s voice when attending her Yoga Nidra classes, as she is soft spoken, kind and sincere. Eden's classes and recordings are filled with love and goodness, which speak to my heart and spirit. Thank you, Eden!”

— Susie, Los Angeles

“I’ve been taking Eden’s meditation classes and I have to share my experience! First of all, Eden has this soothing and angelic energy that instantly calms me. I’ve never really been a fan of meditation but look forward to Eden’s because they are so different from the others I’ve taken before. She does this one part of the meditation where we hold two contrasting concepts simultaneously and it is fascinating! Because of that, I am able to practice similar concepts in my life and my work. I so appreciate utilizing Eden’s unique meditation style as a way to understand myself in deeper ways. Thank you Eden for your beautiful and wise work!”

— Stephanie, Los Angeles

pilates + movement

“Eden is the perfect mixture of sweetness and kick ass.”

— Bam, New York

“I always love Eden’s classes! She always works all the areas I want to focus on - and she’s so calming and supportive!”

— Hana, New York


— Bonnie, New York

“Eden is the reason I keep coming back to Pilates. She’s a wonderful instructor. I enjoy every class. They are therapeutic and empowering.”

— Phoebe, New York

“Best instructor ever!”

— Candice, New York

“Eden is such an amazing instructor!! Highly recommend.”

— Melissa, New York

“If you get a chance to go to. Eden, DO IT. She is the best instructor by far.”

— Megan, New York

“Eden provided helpful cues and modifications all throughout the class.”

— Diana, New York

“Eden was fabulous. Everything felt like just enough of a challenge without hurting yourself.

— Jeannie, New York

“Best Pilates class I’ve ever taken - Eden is amazing!”

— Brinkley, New York